Welcome to Mayan Angel! I am a Mayan Daykeeper, healer, & advisor that helps you develop a deeper connection to the unique power within yourself, and a closer alignment to your specific life path.

Through the application of ancient knowledge, I am able to provide personalized spiritual guidance that helps you to grow your awareness of yourself, your family, and your environment. With this new awareness, you can help your loved ones thrive, while also choosing situations and people that best nurture your life path and well being.

I offer a variety of spiritual healing techniques, classes, retreats, and treatments that help reduce stress and promote a greater connection to peace, love and joy. I am a trained and certified Mayan Day Keeper, Reiki Practitioner, Meditative Trainer, Past Life Regression Specialist, Numerologist, and Sound Healer. 

Through the knowledge I’ve acquired on my journey, it is an honor to assist, as humanity evolves our consciousness to be more in alignment with all that is.

Booking A Session:

THE 5 WEEK EMPOWERMENT PACKAGE (All sessions are virtual)

$495 – Five weeks with one session per week. Click BOOK MY SESSION to purchase this package and schedule your appointments.

  • This package includes 5 sessions and is geared for those who want a birds eye view of their incarnation and who are wishing to kickstart positive transformation in their life.
  • Find out all the detailed information about your earth soul, your cosmic soul, your life path, your destiny, your compatibility and karmic equation with your loved ones. Receive the karmic benefits of a traditional Mayan Offering Ceremony and in depth guidance of how to grow more abundance in your life.
  • 1 Mayan Birth Chart Reading, 1 Mayan Matches Compatibility Session, 1 Akashic Record Reading, 1 Mayan Offering Ceremony, and 1 Spiritual Counseling Session.


$135 (For in person group sound healing sessions) This package includes a package of seven group sound healing sessions Click BOOK MY SESSION to purchase this package.


$135 for each each session and last the duration of 60 minutes. To book a session, please review the sessions offered and their descriptions listed by clicking HERE. Then click BOOK MY SESSION to directly schedule your appointment.

  • FREE 20 Minute Self Love Healing Session
  • Mayan Birth Chart Reading (Earth Soul)
  • Mayan Matches – Dating, Relationship, & Family Compatibility Counselling
  • Akashic Record Reading (Cosmic Soul)
  • Soul Healing and Restoration Session (Cosmic Soul)
  • Mayan Tzite Reading
  • Mayan Offering Ceremony
  • Spiritual Counselling Session
  • Reiki Healing Session
  • Numerology Reading
  • Meditation Technique Class
  • Past Life Regression Session
  • Tibetan Bowl Therapy (in person)
  • Sound Bath – Sound Healing (in person)

two souls in one body

Did you know the Mayans as well as specific sects of Judaism teach that each human body houses two souls? Having awareness and being in alignment with both souls is the best way to clear the past of karmic patterns and walk empowered in the present moment.

The first soul in your body is your earth soul and it bears a huge influence for us on our life path, passions, hobbies, interests, careers, and families as well and the individual destinies we have during this lifetime alone. This soul also enters the body the day we are born, but is not confined to the body while we live. It is a soul energy belonging to the earth matrix and is free to leave your body when you dream at night. When you die, this energy returns back into mother earth. Mapping out the earth and cosmic cycles of time weather it be macro or micro was one of the beautiful legacies the Maya have left to us. These cycles even repeat on the human level which is why the earth soul was so important to the Mayans. The job or position you would have held in a Mayan society would have directly correlated to what earth soul you possessed in your lifetime. The life path of an earth soul is different for each person, and the milestones you experience during your life directly relate to the life path of your specific earth soul. Knowing your earth soul and its life path gives you the power to align yourself for success in your current lifetime, harness your unique gifts, and be prepared for upcoming future milestones.

When two different people combine in life to work together as family members, spouses, business partners etc.. they form a new energy together. Understanding the earth souls of those around you in relationship, a family, a business, or friendships provides incredible insight towards the type of relationship you will share together.

Do you know who your earth soul is? Would you like to find out more about this part of yourself? Would you like to find out how your earth soul matches with a loved one? Please click BOOK MY SESSION to schedule a Life Path Reading and / or a Mayan Matches (Compatibility Counseling Session)

The second soul is your eternal cosmic soul (the soul most people are familiar with). It enters the body the moment we are born, is confined to your body while you live, and leaves the body when we die. It is our eternal ever evolving divine consciousness that grows and learns as a facet of the divine throughout many lifetimes. When your unique cosmic soul was created, it was made from a unique fabric of the divine source. Understanding what the fabric consists of and who you are on cosmic soul level is very important for the alignment of our choices in our lives. We want to vibrationally align with our choices in this life to match our divine self expression, because doing so gives us the capacity to manifest our desires. When we don’t align with our cosmic soul, self imposed limitations or karma as we know it occurs. If Karma is not resolved at the end of each lifetime, it carries over into our next lifetime. Restoration to our divine imprint of the cosmic soul, is the best way to clear past life karma and align ourselves to making choices that result in living a fulfilling lifetime.

Do you know your Cosmic Soul composition and history? Would you like to find out more about this part of yourself? Please click BOOK MY SESSION to schedule Cosmic Soul Akashic Record Reading.

The ancient wisdom of gratitude

An incredible key to peace, presence, and awareness is the practice of gratitude. The ancient Mayans teach us that the most important thing in this earthly incarnation as human beings is for us to have gratitude. The energy of gratitude is an alchemist of change for the accumulated karma we experience in our everyday lives. Practicing the art of gratitude through music,meditations, prayers, ceremonies, acts of good will, and good thoughts of ourselves and others, is the evolutionary path forward for the human being. How can you practice offering more gratitude into your life?

Offering with gratitude

Giving and Receiving: The Mayans perfected the art for offering with gratitude to mother earth and God (the universe). By practicing ceremonial offerings of herbs, incense, candles, wood and other sacred materials, and combining them with offering our time, prayers, intentions and gifts, we are able to receive new energetic alignments that helps us to manifest into our physical reality.

Free 20 minute Self Love Healing Session

As my way of giving back, I am offering a free session to assist each person with their access to the energy of self love. Angelic beings are a wonderful pathway to this consciousness. This free session will be for the channeling of an angelic energetic upgrade geared to help expand your access to self love in your body. The session will also channel spiritual guidance relevant and applicable to the theme of self love in your life.

Click BOOK MY SESSION to directly schedule your free session.

Mayan Angel AT A GLANCE

Upcoming Retreat in Ancient Greece!!!

Come and join us for this amazing upcoming healing retreat this May in Epidaurus Greece!!

Program Highlights:

  • Daily yoga or shamanic practice sessions in serene locations by the sea or in a tranquil yoga shala
  • Daily sound healing sessions
  • Exploration activities such as walking, biking, swimming, or snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean
  • Afternoon and evening sessions including yin yoga with live musical accompaniment, shamanic journeys, candlelight meditations, and profound sound healings
  • Visit to the Ancient Little Theater of Epidaurus
  • Swimming or snorkeling over an Ancient Sunken City
  • Daily breakfasts and dinners made from fresh local ingredients.
  • Mayan Fire Ceremony by the sea to culminate the retreat


Early bird discounted price is 200 Euros per day for this 5 day retreat for a total of 1000 euro which includes all activities, hotel, room, breakfasts and dinners. (this package does not include transportation to and from retreat)


Early bird discounted price is 280 Euros per day for this 5 day retreat for a total of 1400 euro which includes all activities, hotel, room, breakfasts and dinners. (this package includes all transportation to and from retreat)

For the full program, itinerary, and to reserve your space please email me at: mayanangel.healer@gmail.com

Open the Door. Yoga Shamanic Healing and Sound Therapy Retreat

The Mayan Angel Blog

Panel 1



I took this gorgeous photo on the summer solstice. What do flowers signify to you? How do you feel when connecting with them, smelling them, holding them, or looking at them? The actual vibration of a flower is extremely high and within it are forms of sacred geometry, light codes, and states of conciousness that … Continue reading RAISE YOUR VIBRATION THROUGH NATURE – Bloom Beautifully

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