
I offer yearly classes and certifications for different spiritual disciplines. I am a certified Mayan Daykeeper, Reiki Master and Past Life Regression specialist amongst being other accredited in other disciplines. I currently offer individual and group classes for those interested in learning these healing practices. Please contact me at for more information.

Classes offered:

Introduction to Mayan Cosmology

The study of Mayan Cosmology helps unify our heart and our mind together to explore and understand the universe that exist both inside and outside ourselves. Everything that exists can be broken down into core elements, therefore understanding, observing, and interacting with the core foundational energies (the nahuales) helps us understand the inner workings of the universe and how to be in balance with them. The ancient Mayans observed and disseminated this ancient sacred wisdom to humanity and this powerful legacy is about observing time and space and being in a state of love and gratitude. This type of knowledge will aid you on your spiritual path of healing, wisdom, exploration, and growth.

Reiki Level 1 2 and 3 Classes and Certifications

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, healing, and reduces stress and anxiety. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver healing to cleanse the seven chakras and improve the flow and balance of the energy in your body. Reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices to complement and enhance other forms of health treatments. Reiki can bring on a meditative states, foster tissue and bone healing, stimulate your body’s immune system, promote natural self-healing, relieve pain, and enhance the effectiveness of other therapies.

Past Life Regression Class and Certification

Past Life Regression is a gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. These sessions are usually conduted around healing
traumas, phobias, or unresolved emotions that are effecting the person in the present time.