Spiritual Sessions

To book a session, please click BOOK MY SESSION to directly schedule your appointment.

FREE 20 Minute Self Love Healing Session
In the spirit of gratitude and offering, I am offering a free session to assist with the collective access to the energy of self love. Angelic beings are a wonderful pathway to this consciousness. This free session will be for the channeling of an energetic upgrade geared to help expand your access to self love. Please visit BOOK MY SESSION to directly schedule your free session.

The 5 Week Empowerment Package $495
This package includes 5 sessions and is geared for those who want a birds eye view of their incarnation and who are wishing to kickstart positive transformation in their life. Find out all the detailed information about your earth soul, your cosmic soul, your life path, your destiny, your compatibility and karmic equation with your loved ones. Receive the karmic benefits of a traditional Mayan Offering Ceremony for growing more abundance in your life. 1 Mayan Birth Chart Reading, 1 Mayan Matches Compatibility Session, 1 Akashic Record Reading, 1 Mayan Offering Ceremony, and 1 Spiritual Counseling Session

Life Path Reading (Your Earth Soul) $135
The Mayans observed cycles of time that repeat in the cosmos from macro to micro. These cycles repeat on a human level and the Mayans structured a huge part of their societies so that people could live harmoniously and in line with the natural energies and gifts each person had. The Mayans believed a person houses two separate souls in their body. One soul is the cosmic soul and the other soul is the earth soul. The specific earth soul a person has plays a huge part on their life path and destiny, influencing interests, jobs, relationships, personalities, and natural gifted abilities. This reading will reveal your main Mayan earth soul and your full Mayan Birth Chart of 9 unique energies that have and will continue to influence the course of your life. I will connect with you on a call where I will explain the visual birth chart document I have calculated for you, the analysis of your main earth soul energy, and a one of a kind poem I’ve channeled for you that verbally describes your soul path through the energies of your birth chart.

Mayan Matches – Dating, Relationship, & Family Compatibility Counselling $135
The Mayans had mapped out compatibilities for each person depending upon which energy you hold. Are you starting to date someone and wonder if your compatible with each other? Or perhaps you have been dating or married for a while and specific difficulties have arisen? Do you wish to know why those difficulties are present and what you can do to alleviate them? On the other hand, maybe you have children and as they are growing up you are seeing their unique talents and personalities. Are you trying to understand what you can do to help them thrive in life? Do you wonder how you can best interface with those you love around you? The best way is through the understanding of which Mayan energy you hold, and which energies are present in your loved ones. Once you have that basis of understanding, you can refine your approach to help give your loved ones the best support they need while understanding your own energy, and what you also need your relationships. In this hour long session, I will help you understand the ancient wisdom of the Maya as it pertains specifically to you and your partner, spouse or child. This is a reading that will analyze the specific energies of 2 individuals per session.

Akashic Record Reading (Your Cosmic Soul) $135
Want to access your Akashic records to retrieve some fun and very valuable information? This reading will focus on exploring your Akashic records to receive information on what your cosmic soul was originally created to express. We will also explore your galactic history on other planets. Which star systems or planets do you have lifetime history with?

Your Cosmic Soul is your eternal ever evolving divine consciousness that grows and learns as a facet of the divine throughout many lifetimes. When your unique cosmic soul was created, it was made from a unique fabric of the divine source. Understanding what the fabric consists of and who you are on cosmic soul level is very important for the alignment of our choices in our lives. We want to vibrationally align with our choices in this life to match our divine self expression, because doing so gives us the capacity to manifest our desires.

Soul Healing and Restoration Session (Your Cosmic Soul) $135
This session must be done AFTER an Akashic Record Reading. Do you notice reoccurring scenarios or types of people in your life? Do you wonder why these events keep repeating for you? The short answer is that over many lifetimes on earth, most souls don’t resolve all of their karma (misalignment through actions with OUR cosmic soul). This accumulated karma transfers over into your current lifetime so that you are able to resolve it. In this session, we will access the Akashic records to identify the repeating patterns, attachments, agreements, and soul contracts that are present, so you are aware of the actions you should take to resolve the karma. Lastly, we will focus on removing all blocks and restrictions on your cosmic soul by restoring your soul to its original state as it was created by divine source.

Mayan Tzite Reading $135
The Mayan Tzite is the oldest system of divination known in the world. It is said that the Mayans knew that they lacked wisdom to make important decisions in life, so they asked advice from their ancestors through the wisdom of the Tzite Reading. For this reading you must think of a specific question that you need guidance in regards to. The question should be phrased so a clear yes or no can be the response. Example: “In 2023, should I decide to move to London from New York?” The Mayan Tzite will facilitate the submission of your question to the ancestors and offer the appropriate guidance and recommendations for you. Please submit your question to me ahead of time, and I will call you at the scheduled time for the reading to take place.

Mayan Offering Ceremony $135
The Mayan Offering Ceremony aligns your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental bodies. It is a way to realign yourself to be in balance and have the necessary energy to move forward into the future and bring about positive change and outcomes in your life. The Mayans believed you do not receive something for nothing, so you must give of yourself in action, intention,and prayer combined. (You must add fuel to your metaphorical gas tank to make your car drive to the destination you have chosen.) In this ceremony, we offer prayers, herbs, candles, incense, seeds, flowers, sugar, honey, wood, tree resin, water and the element of fire to merge the physical action of our offering with the intuitive intentions of our petitions. The Mayan Offering Ceremony is a way to offer back to mother earth and the cosmos in a spirit of gratitude. By actively aligning yourself in this way, you are being empowered and guided to bring about the necessary change you seek in your life.

Spiritual Counselling Session $135
This is a general consultation where I will allow you to ask questions you feel you need spiritual guidance regarding. During this session I may use many different spiritual techniques to channel the appropriate guidance for you. This session is about counselling and emotional support which is kept completely confidential, and is set up as a safe place for you to receive support from me, and from you spirit team, mother earth, your angels, and your higher self.

Numerology Reading $135
Numerology is the study of numbers and how they relate to your life. You can uncover specific information about the world and also each individual person by using Numerology. The universe is a system of specific codes, and once broken down, we are left with the basic elements which are numbers. The meaning of numbers is used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals; discovering insights about individual goals, personality traits, lifetime mission and challenges. In this session, we will look at which numbers and master numbers you have in your life and what they reveal to us about your mission and related challenges in this lifetime.

Reiki Healing Session $135
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, healing, and reduces stress and anxiety. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver healing to cleanse the seven chakras and improve the flow and balance of the energy in your body. Reiki is used all over the world, including in hospitals and hospices to complement and enhance other forms of health treatments. Reiki can bring on a meditative states, foster tissue and bone healing, stimulate your body’s immune system, promote natural self-healing, relieve pain, and enhance the effectiveness of other therapies. Reiki sessions are conducted both virtually and in person. In person sessions feature the use of an indoor solarium, heated chakra stone mat, massage chair, and obsidian massage stones.

Past Life Regression Session $135
Past Life Regression is a gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. These sessions are usually conducted around healing traumas, phobias, or unresolved emotions that are effecting the person in the present time.

Meditation Technique Classes $135
Meditation is a set of mental techniques that help train your attention and awareness to influence a state of calmness and peace. Meditation often involves concentrating on your breathing or on a particular phrase, chant,object, or idea to create a calm, focused, and relaxed mental, physical and spiritual state of consciousness. Meditation is used to help manage stress, open and clear chakras, and to increase focus and awareness , to improve their mood, and to receive mental clarity. I teach guided meditations with angels and through mother earth and the trees. I also offer sessions for meditational chanting that come from various ancient origins and traditions.

Tibetan Bowl Healing Therapy (in person private session) $135
A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties. During this treatment, the person lies on a massage table while the bowls are used on different configurations on the person for the frequency to enter into the body the surrounding space.

Sound Healing Ceremony (Sound Baths) $135 (in person group block of 7 sessions)
All matter in the 3D world exists and vibrates at different frequencies. Therefore, sound itself can influence a state of mental well being and healing. A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, flutes, percussion, chimes, rattles, tuning forks, and even the human voice itself. Sound baths provide an immersive, full-body listening experience that can bring balance, relaxation, and a sense of calm to your whole being.